Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Play Flash Videos and Games with Android Jellybean.

One of the disappointments when Android Jellybean was introduced back in June of last year was that it no longer supported Flash. Though it did come with an app to watch Youtube videos, there are still many video sites and game sites that still use flash. When Jellybean was first released you were outta luck if you wanted to either watch videos or play games that were flash based.

That changed. First, came a way to do both things by rooting your device. Then eventually a way to do it without having to root your device was developed.

We here at AOAM were very happy when the latter became available. Though rooting is not a very difficult process, we know a lot of people would rather not do something that could potentially affect the warranty of the device that would  be rooted. So, any tweaks that can be done to the android OS without having to root is always a welcome thing.

You might be asking yourself. Hey, that is great there is a way to play flash video and games with Jellybean but, show me how to do it.

You are in luck as I found a video that explains the process.

A Youtuber the goes by the name InspeThaGadget has made just such a video. In about than 3 minutes he walks you through the process of what you need to download and the steps to take to get your Jellybean based device to play flash videos and games. The video does show this being done on a Nexus 7 but should work on other devices with Jellybean.

Here is the video.

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